
Program Committee / Review

  • MODELS 2016, ACM/IEEE 19th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems. From 2016, October 2nd to October 7th
    Palais du Grand Large, Saint Malo, Brittany, France.
  • ETFA 2014: 19th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, September 16 - 19, 2014, Barcelona, Spain 
  • RISK 2013: 1st International Workshop on Risk Assessment and Risk-driven Testing, November 12, 2013, Istandbul, Turkey
  • IEESD 2013, Held in conjunction with COMPSAC 2013, The 37th Annual International Computer Software & Applications Conference, Kyoto, Japan, July 22 - 26, 2013
  • VAST 2012, 2nd International Workshop on Variability-intensive Systems Testing, Validation and Verification to be held in conjunction with the 5th IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST 2012), in Montreal, Canada, on April 21st 2012.
  • VALID 2012: The Fourth International Conference on Advances in System Testing and Validation Lifecycle, November 18-23, 2012 - Lisbon, Portugal
  • ETFA 2012: 17th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies & Factory Automation, September 17-21, Kraków, Poland
  • IEESD 2012: The 4th IEEE International Workshop on Industrial Experience in Embedded Systems Design, Izmir, Turkey, July 16-20, 2012
  • ICST 2012: 5th IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation,  Montreal, Canada, April 17-21, 2012
  • VALID 2011: The Third International Conference on Advances in System Testing and Validation Lifecycle, October 23-28, 2011 - Barcelona, Spain
  • IEESD 2011: The 3rd IEEE International Workshop on Industrial Experience in Embedded System Design; Held in conjunction with COMPSAC, the IEEE Signature Conference on Computers, Software, and Applications. COMPSAC 2011 will be held in Munich, Germany, July 18-22.
  • A-MOST 2011: 7th Workshop on Advances in Model Based Testing; co-located with the 4th International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation
  • ICST 2011; March 21, 2011 – Berlin, Germany
  • VAST 2011: 1st Int’l Workshop on Variability-intensive Systems Testing, Validation & Verification; co-located with the 4th International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation ICST 2011; March 21, 2011 – Berlin, Germany
  • FM+AM-2010: 2nd International Workshop on Formal Methods and Agile Methods,colocated with the SEFM'2010 conference in Pisa, Italy
  • MoTiP10: 3rd Workshop on Model-based Testing in Practice, 16th June 2010, Paris, France - in conjunction with ECMFA 2010
  • VALID 2010: The Second International Conference on Advances in System Testing and Validation Lifecycle, VALID 2010, August 22-27, 2010 - Nice, France
  • ICST09: 2nd International Conference on Software Testing, Verification, and Validation, Denver, Colorado - USA, April 1 - 4
  • MoTiP'09, 2nd Workshop on Model-based Testing in Practice, co-located with the 5th ECMDA 2009, 23-25 June, Enschede, The Netherlands
  • IEESD Workshop, 2009, 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Industrial Experience in Embedded Systems Design (IEESD 2009). Seattle,Washington, July 20 - July 24, 2009
  • INCOM 2009, 13th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing Conference, Review
  • Conference and Workshop Organization
  • ICST 2011: the 4th International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation March 21, 2011 – Berlin, Germany, Robert Eschbach Publicity Chair
  • Special Session "Test of Dependable Control-Systems modeled by DES" atDCDS 2011: Robert Eschbach General Co-Chair (together with Jean-Marc Roussel,Marchand Hervé, Tanvir Hussain)
  • A-MOST 2010: 6th Workshop on Advances in Model Based Testing A-MOST 2010, co-located with the 3rd International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation, ICST 2010, April 6, 2010 – Paris, France Robert Eschbach General Chair (together with Jesse Poore, UTK, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA), Organization, Session Chair
  • Industrial Workshop 2010, Fraunhofer IESE: General Chair, Organization
  • ViERforES Workshop 2009, Fraunhofer IESE: General Chair, Organization
  • ICST 2009: International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation, Denver, Colorado USA, Session Chair
  • Innovation Cluster Commercial Vehicles, Workshop "System Test" 2009, Organization, General Chair
  • ICST 2008: International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation, Lillehammer, Norway, April 9-11, Co-Chair Industry Track


  • Robert Eschbach, Michael Dalpiaz (Sirona Dental Systems GmbH), "ALM-basiertes Change Management: Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze",  MedConf 2015, München, Oktober 2015
  • Robert Eschbach, "Komplexitätsbeherrschung in der Software-Entwicklung sicherheitskritischer, medizintechnischer Systeme durch agile Methoden", ScrumMed 2013, 19.2.2013, München
  • Robert Eschbach, "Komplexitätsbeherrschung in der sicherheitskritischen Software-Entwicklung durch agile Methoden im Umfeld der Bahntechnik", Automobiltechnik, Bahntechnik und Automatisierung auf neuen Wegen, TÜV SÜD Akademie GmbH, TÜV SÜD Automotive GmbH, TÜV SÜD Rail GmbH, Tagung am 24. – 25. April 2013, München
  • Robert Eschbach, Michael Dalpiaz (Sirona Dental Systems GmbH), "ALM-unterstützte Entwicklung und Validierung von variantenreichen Medizinprodukten mit Schwerpunkt Software", MedConf 2013, München, Oktober 2013
  • Robert Eschbach, "Augmenting Sequence Enumeration with String-Rewriting for Requirements Analysis and Behavioral Specification", FASE 2013, part of ETAPS 2013: 16-24 March 2013, Rome, Italy
  • Lars Beerbaum (Dräger Medical GmbH), Dr. Robert Eschbach, "Risiko-basiertes Testen in der Medizintechnik", MedConf 2011, München, Oktober 2011 (Vortragender: Lars Beerbaum)
  • Robert Eschbach, "Frühzeitige Absicherung sicherheitskritischer eingebetteter Software in der modellbasierten Entwicklung auf Basis der Produktanforderungen", DESIGN&ELEKTRONIK Entwicklerforum »Embedded-System-Entwicklung«, 5.-6. Juli 2011, Forum am Schlosspark Ludwigsburg
  • Robert Eschbach: "Risk-based Testing of Safety-Critical Embedded Systems Driven by Fault Tree Analysis", A-MOST 2011, Berlin, Germany, 2011
  • Robert Eschbach, "Teilprojekt Dependability: Forschungsziele und Vorgehen", "Eröffnungsveranstaltung ViERforES I, Magdeburg, Germany, March 2011
  • Robert Eschbach: "Innovative Quality Assurance and Analysis Techniques for Safety-Critical Embedded Systems", Embedded World Conference, Nuernberg, Germany, March 2011 (Stellvertreter Tanvir Hussain)
  • Robert Eschbach, "Embedded Systems Quality Assurance: Risk-Based Testing and Model Inference", SQRL Workshop, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA, Oct. 2010
  • Jesse Poore, Robert Eschbach: Sequence-Based Specification and Statistical Testing for Embedded Systems, Dagstuhl Seminar "Model-based Testing in practice", October 2010
  • Robert Eschbach, "Modellbasierte Verifikation sicherheitskritischer Embedded Software unter Berücksichtigung regulatorischer Anforderungen", DESIGN&ELEKTRONIK Entwicklerforum "Embedded-System-Entwicklung", Ludwigsburg (Stellvertreter Thomas Bauer)
  • Robert Eschbach, "Innovative Analysen und Verfahren in der Entwicklung und Qualitätssicherung von softwareintensiven Medizingeräten" , MedConf 2010, (Stellvertreter Sören Kemmann)
  • Robert Eschbach, "Innovative Model-based Testing Techniques", Industrial Day, Fraunhofer IESE, October 2010
  • Robert Eschbach, "Modern Testing Techniques for Embedded Systems", Industrial Day, Fraunhofer IESE, September 2010
  • Robert Eschbahc, "Risk-based Software Quality Assurance for Safety-critical Medical Devices", WUEMEK, Würzburg, Germany, May 2010
  • Robert Eschbach, "Risk-Based Testing of Automotive Systems by Applying Model-Based Approaches", 1st Commercial Vehicle Technology Symposium, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany, April 2010
  • Robert Eschbach, "Risk-Based Statistical Testing: A Novel Approach For The Reliability Analysis Of Safety-Critical Embedded Systems", Embedded World, Nuernberg, Germany, March 2010
  • Robert Eschbach, "Systematic Inspections", Embedded Safety Group, Mannheim, Germany, Dec. 2009 (invited talk)
  • Robert Eschbach, "Innovative Testing and Inspections Techniques: An Overview", SQRL Week, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA, Nov. 2009
  • Robert Eschbach, "Risk-Based Statistical Testing of Safety-Critical Embedded Systems", 7. SafeTRANS Industrial Day, Friedrichshafen, Germany, Nov. 2009, (invited talk)
  • Robert Eschbach, "Systematic Verification and Validation of Medical Software-Intensive Systems", EUROCAT-Seminar, Nov. 2009
  • Robert Eschbach, "Risk-Based Statistical Testing of safety-critical Embedded Systems in the Medical Device Domain", MedConf 2009, Muenchen, Germany, Oct. 2009
  • Robert Eschbach, "Test Automation", KMU innovativ, Fraunhofer IESE, Kaiserslautern Germany, Oct. 2009
  • Robert Eschbach, "Quality Models for Safety and Security and corresponding Visualization Techniques", 1. Statustagung IA VT, Innovationsallianz Virtuelle Techniken, Magdeburg, Germany, Sept. 2009, (invited talk)
  • Robert Eschbach, "Model-Based Statistical Testing", Innovation Cluster Commercial Vehicles, Workshop "System Test" 2009, Kaiserslautern, May 2009
  • Robert Eschbach, "Systematic Verification and Validation of Medical Software-Intensive Systems", EUROCAT-Seminar, Oct. 2009
  • Robert Eschbach, "Model-Based Statistical Testing in the Automation Domain", GMA-Fachausschusses 1.50 "Methoden der Steuerungstechnik", VDI, May 2009, (invited talk)
  • Robert Eschbach: Systematic Testing of Embedded Systems, STI Kaiserslautern, April 2009, Germany, 10.02.2009
  • Robert Eschbach, "Optimized Software Quality of Embedded Systems with Model-Based Testing", Industrial Seminar, Fraunhofer IESE, Kaiserslautern, Germany, Feb. 2009
  • Robert Eschbach, "Risk-Oriented Model-Based Testing and Environment Models", Innovation Cluster Commercial Vehicles, Workshop "System Test" 2008, Kaiserslautern, Oct. 2008
  • Robert Eschbach, "Requirements-based and Model-based Testing", ESA Workshop on Avionics Data, Control and Software Systems (ADCSS), Model Based Software Engineering, ESA-ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, Oct. 2008, (invited talk)
  • Robert Eschbach, "Systematic Verification and Validation of Medical Software-Intensive Systems", EUROCAT-Seminar, Oct. 2008
  • Robert Eschbach, "Reusability Concepts for MiL/HiL-Testing", Conference Systems Engineering Mechatronics, MarcusEvans, Köln, Germany, Oct. 2008, (invited talk)
  • Robert Eschbach, "Statistical Testing and Environment Models", Innovation Cluster Commercial Vehicles, Workshop 2008, Kaiserslautern, Jul. 2008
  • Robert Eschbach, "Systematic Testing". STI, Industrial Seminar, Kaiserslautern, June 2008
  • Robert Eschbach, "Model-Based Statistical Testing" Rohde & Schwarz, InnoComp 2008, May 2008
  • Robert Eschbach, "Model-Based Statistical Testing", D-Mint Webinar, May 2008
  • Robert Eschbach, "An Overview of current Research Activities at IESE", SQRL Week, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA, April 2008
  • Robert Eschbach, "Software Quality: Model-Based Testing", Industrial Seminar, Fraunhofer IESE, Kaiserslautern, Germany, Feb. 2008
  • Robert Eschbach, "Model-Based Statistical Testing for technical Software Systems", Systematic Testing, Strategies and Tools for Streamlining Tests, Accelerating Product Development Cycle and Increasing Test Quality, Berlin, MarcusEvans, Germany, Oct. 2007, (invited talk)


Research Projects

  • MBAT (Combined Model-based Analysis & Testing of Embedded Systems)
  • Artemis
  • Project Leader, Fraunhofer IESE: Robert Eschbach 
  • Work Package Leader "Systematic Test Model Construction": Robert Eschbach
  • Inno-DNT (Innovation Cluster Commercial Vehicles)
  • The Fraunhofer Innovation Cluster "Digital Commercial Vehicle Technology" is funded by the European Union and the state of Rhineland-Palatinate in the context of the Ziel 2-Programm Rheinland-Pfalz.
  • Partner: Fraunhofer ITWM, Daimler AG, John Deere, GE Transportation Systems, Haldex Brake Products GmbH, Keiper GmbH & Co. KG, 
  • LÖSI, MB-technology GmbH, Robert Bosch GmbH, Schmitz Cargobull, Volvo Construction Equipment Europe GmbH
  • Work Package Leader "Statistical testing with field data": Robert Eschbach
  • Work Package Leader "Real-time simulation for hardware-in-the-loop tests": Robert Eschbach
  • WWW:
  • ViERforES II (Virtuelle und Erweiterte Realität für höchste Sicherheit und Zuverlässigkeit von Eingebetteten Systemen)
  • German BMBF research project
  • Project Leader, Fraunhofer IESE: Robert Eschbach
  • Work Package Leader "Dependable Systems", Kaiserslautern, Magdeburg: Robert Eschbach
  • WWW:
  • Q-KIT (Qualitätsprüfung im Softwareentwicklungsprozess: Aufwandsoptimierung durch Kombination von Inspektions- und Testtechniken)
  • Stiftung Rheinland-Pfalz für Innovation
  • Project Leader: Robert Eschbach
  • ROTESS (Risk-Oriented Testing Of Safety-Critical Systems)
  • Fraunhofer Research Project
  • Partner: Fraunhofer FOKUS
  • Project Leader, Fraunhofer IESE: Robert Eschbach
  • Deputy Project Leader: Robert Eschbach
  • WWW:
  • ViERforES (Virtuelle und Erweiterte Realität für höchste Sicherheit und Zuverlässigkeit von Eingebetteten Systemen)
  • 1. Juli 2008 bis 31. Dezember 2010
  • German BMBF research project about attaining high safety and reliability with the use of virtual reality and augmented reality techniques for embedded systems. 
  • Partner: Fraunhofer IESE, Kaiserslautern, Fraunhofer IFF, Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg, University Kaiserslautern
  • Project Leader, Fraunhofer IESE: Robert Eschbach
  • Project Leader, University Kaiserslautern (2009): Robert Eschbach
  • WWW:
  • D_MINT (Deployment of Model-Based Technologies to Industrial Testing)
  • 2007 - 2009
  • ITEA-2 project
  • Partner: ABB, Abo Akademi, Conformiq Software, Daimler AG, DATAPIXEL, Elvior. Eliko, ETSI, Fraunhofer FOKUS, Fraunhofer IESE, IDEKO, Innovalia Association, INSPIRE, iXtronics, Nethawk, Nokia Siemens Networks, PikeTec, Simula research, SQS, SORALUCE, Tallinn University of Technology, TANDBERG, Testing Technologies, Trimek, VTT Technical research centre of Finland
  • D-MINT wins the best exhibition award at the ITEA2 Symposium 2009 
  • Supervisor, Staff, Fraunhofer IESE: Robert Eschbach
  • WWW:
  • ranTEST (Risk and Requirements-based Testing)
  • German BMBF research project about the development of risk-minimizing requirements-based testing methods. 
  • BMBF, SE 2006
  • Jan. 2006 - Dec. 2008
  • Partner: Fraunhofer IESE, SIEMENS AG Transportation Systems, market maker AG, University Duisburg-Essen, Research Group "Software Systems Engineering“ 
  • Consortium Leader: Robert Eschbach
  • Project Leader, Fraunhofer IESE: Robert Eschbach
  • WWW:
  • SFB501: Development Of Large Systems With Generic Methods
  • DFG
  • Funding Periods: 1995 - 1997, 1998 - 2000 
  • Goal: to Investigate, develop, and promote technologies for the construction of large software systems based on generic methods
  • Staff Subproject Formal Description Techniques: Robert Eschbach
  • WWW:


Referee Activities

  • Research Organization
  • DFG Deutsche Forschungsgesellschaft
  • Journals
  • Software Testing, Verification and Reliability, Wiley
  • Software Testing, Verification and Reliability (STVR) is a quarterly international journal that publishes papers on theoretical and practical issues of software testing, verification and reliability. The goal of the journal is to publish high-quality papers that help researchers, educators and practitioners understand cutting edge results.(Copyright © 2000-2011 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., )
  • Software: Practice and Experience, Wiley
  • Software - Practice and Experience is an internationally respected and rigorously refereed vehicle for the dissemination and discussion of practical experience with new and established software for both systems and applications. (Copyright © 2000-2011 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., )
  • Design Automation for Embedded Systems, Springer
  • Design Automation for Embedded Systems is a multidisciplinary journal addressing the systematic design of embedded systems. It offers a forum for scientists and engineers to report their latest work and results on algorithms, tools, architectures, case studies, and actual design examples. The journal focuses primarily on tools, methodologies and architectures for embedded systems, including HW/SW co-design, simulation and modeling approaches, synthesis techniques, architectures, and design exploration. (© Springer )
  • International Journal of Embedded and Real-Time Communication Systems, IGI Global
  • The International Journal of Embedded and Real-Time Communication Systems (IJERTCS) is an international refereed research journal integrating the disciplines of embedded systems, real-time systems, and communications system engineering. IJERTCS encompasses research from computer science, computer engineering, and telecommunication engineering, focusing on how these disciplines interact in the field of embedded and real-time systems for communication. This journal offers its readership both theoretical and practical research facilitating the convergence of embedded systems, real-time computing, and communication system technologies and paradigms. (© IGI Global)
  • The Computer Journal, Oxford University Press
  • The Computer Journal is one of the longest-established journals serving all branches of the academic computer science community. It is currently published in three sections
  • Section A: Computer Science, Methods and Tools publishes high quality research papers, review articles and special issues in all computer science topics other than those covered in Section B. Topics for inclusion in Section A may include areas such as theory, algorithms, software engineering, data structures, and complexity.
  • Section B: Networks and Computer Systems focuses on the latest ideas and research in computer systems and networks. This section is for researchers involved in the latest developments in topics such as architectures, mobile and wireless computing, network protocols, security, reliability and performance optimisation. In addition to research papers, this section will also publish commissioned reviews and special issues.
  • Section C: Computational Intelligence builds on artificial intelligence, robotics and machine intelligence to develop smart methods and tools that solve challenging problems in areas such as data mining, image processing, knowledge-based systems and the semantic web. (© Oxford University Press)


  • IEEE
  • GI
  • VDI FA Softwarequalitätssicherung in der Medizintechnik
  • VDI//VDE-GMA FA 1.50 Methoden der Steuerungstechnik 


  • Invited to Dagstuhl Seminar,"The Pacemaker Challenge: Developing Certifiable Medical Devices" (14062), to be held at Schloss Dagstuhl in Germany from Sunday, February 02 to Friday, February 07, 2014.
  • Invited to Dagstuhl Seminar "Model-based Testing in Practice"
  • 17.10.10 - 22.10.10, Seminar 1042117
  • Organizers
  • Wolfgang Grieskamp (Microsoft Corp. - Redmond, US)
  • Robert M. Hierons (Brunel University, GB)
  • Alexander Pretschner (KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, DE)
  • Invited to Dagstuhl Seminar "Theory and Applications of Abstract State Machines"
  • 03.03.02 - 08.03.02, Seminar 02101
  • Organizers
  • A. Blass (Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor MI, USA)
  • E. Börger (Univ. di Pisa, Italy)
  • Y. Gurevich (Microsoft Research, Redmond WA, USA)
  • Participant International Summer School Marktoberdorf, "Proofs and Calculations", Marktoberdorf, Germany, July 28 - August 9, 1998
  • Lectures
  • Manfred Broy: Towards a Logical Basis for Systems Engineering
  • Patrick Cousot: Abstract Interpretation
  • Edsger W. Dijkstra: Proofs and Calculations
  • C. A. R. Hoare: Unifying Theories of Programming
  • Leslie Lamport: Concurrency
  • Jayadev Misra: A discipline of Multiprogramming
  • John C. Mitchell: Formal Methods and Computer Security
  • Bernhard Möller: Algebraic Structures for Program Calculation
  • Joseph Sifakis: Modeling Timed and Hybrid Systems
  • Douglas R. Smith: Mechanizing the Development of Software
  • Fabio Somenzi: Binary Decision Diagrams
  • Pamela Zave: Formal Methods for Specification and Verification of Telecommunications Services




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© Robert Eschbach