

  • Soft Control Methods (TU KL, EIT, SS 2012 Co-Lecturer, with Dr. Tanvir Hussain)
  • Soft Control Methods (TU KL, EIT, SS 2011, Co-Lecturer, with Dr. Tanvir Hussain)
  • Soft Control Methods (TU KL, EIT, SS 2010, Co-Lecturer, with Dr. Tanvir Hussain)
  • Formal Specification and Verification Techniques (TU KL, CS, WS 2008/2009, Co-Lecturer)
  • Requirements Engineering, (TU KL, CS, WS 2008/2009, Co-Lecturer)
  • Foundations of Programming (TU KL, CS, SS 2005, Supervisor, Co-Lecturer)
  • Formal Specification and Verification Techniques (TU KL, CS, SS 2004, Supervisor, Co-Lecturer)
  • Foundations of Programming (TU KL, CS, SS 2002, Supervisor, Co-Lecturer)
  • Computer Algebra (TU KL, CS, WS 2001/2002, Supervisor)
  • Special Topics in Formal Specification and Verification Techniques (TU KL, C, SS 2001, Supervisor, Lecturer)
  • Formal Specification and Verification Techniques (TU KL, CS, WS 2000/2001, Supervisor, Co-Lecturer)
  • Design and Analysis of Algorithms (TU KL, CS, WS 1999/2000, Supervisor)
  • Foundations of Programming (TU KL, CS, SS 1999, Supervisor)
  • Equational Programming (TU KL, CS, WS 1997/1998, Supervisor)

Supervised Theses

  • Scheider, Daniel: "Integration Strategies", Liggesmeyer, Peter (Supervisor) ; Rombach, H. Dieter (Supervisor) ; Eschbach, Robert (Supervisor); Bauer, Thomas (Supervisor), Kaiserslautern, 2010. (Kaiserslautern, University., Master Thesis, 2010)
  • Fritzler, Eugen: "Visualization of a Graph-based GUI for Sequence-based Specification"; Liggesmeyer, Peter (Supervisor) ; Eschbach, Robert (Supervisor) ; Hussain, Tanvir (Supervisor); Kaiserslautern, 2010. (Kaiserslautern, Techn. Univ., Bachelorarbeit, 2010).
  • Sufian, Abu, "Development of Mutation Operators for Matlab/Simulink/Stateflow Models and their Prototypical Implementation into a Tool", Liggesmeyer, Peter (Supervisor); Eschbach, Robert (Supervisor); Kloos, Johannes (Supervisor); Russo, Barbara (Supervisor):. Kaiserslautern, 2009, Kaiserslautern, Techn. Univ., Masterarbeit, 2009
  • Simo, Lydienne Ngaingne: "Buildup of an FPGA-based test system and evaluation of the capabilities of ATML (Automatic Test Markup Language) for embedded Systems" ; Liggesmeyer, Peter (Supervisor) ; Eschbach, Robert (Supervisor) ; Hussain, Tanvir (Supervisor): Kaiserslautern, 2009. (Kaiserslautern, Techn. Univ., Dipl., 2009).
  • Gieser, Markus: "Prototypical Realization of an Extension for statistical Test Models in Eclipse", Liggesmeyer, Peter (Supervisor) ; Rombach, H. Dieter (Supervisor) ; Eschbach, Robert (Supervisor); Bauer, Thomas (Supervisor), Kaiserslautern, 2008. (Kaiserslautern, University., Bachelor Thesis, 2008)
  • Li, Jiancan: "Visualization of Statistical Figures from Model-based Testing as an Eclipse Prototype"; Liggesmeyer, Peter (Supervisor) ; Rombach, H. Dieter (Supervisor); Eschbach, Robert (Supervisor); Bauer, Thomas (Supervisor); Kaiserslautern, 2008. (Kaiserslautern, University, Bachelor Thesis, 2008).
  • Kloos, Johannes, "Generating test oracles from grammar schemes"; Liggesmeyer, Peter (Supervisor); Eschbach, Robert (Supervisor): Kaiserslautern, 2008 Kaiserslautern, Techn. Univ., Dipl., 2008
  • Schwedler, Wolfgang, "Using Genetic Algorithms in Model Checking"; Eschbach, Robert (Supervisor); Leucker, Martin (Supervisor); Beletski, Taras (Supervisor): Kaiserslautern, 2007, München, Techn. Univ., Dipl., 2007

Practical Courses

  • Software Engineering (TU KL, CS, WS 2008/2009, Lecturer: Formal Industrial Methods)
  • Formal Specification and Verification Techniques (TU KL, CS, WS 2004/2005)
  • Specification and Verification (TU KL, CS, SS 2001)
  • Efficient Algorithms (TU KL, CS, SS 1998)


  • Formal Specification and Verification Techniques (TU KL, CS, WS 2004/2005)
  • Post Graduate Course on ASMs and their Applications (TU KL, CS, WS 2003/2004)
  • Specification and Verification (TU KL, CS, SS 2003)
  • Cryptography (TU KL, CS, WS 2002/2003)
  • Logic (TU KL, CS, SS 2002)
  • Computer Algebra (TU KL, CS, WS 2001/2002)
  • Specification and Verification (TU KL, CS, SS 2001)
  • Computeralgebra and Specification Techniques (TU KL, CS, WS 2000/2001)
  • Cryptography (TU KL, CS, SS 2000)




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© Robert Eschbach